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Program Agenda will be updated soon
Program Agenda will be updated soon
International Conference on Quality Early Childhood Education was held in Chennai on the 01st, 2nd, and 3rd of April 2023.
The first day of the Conference (01.04.2023) was held at the SRM Public School, at Nellikuppam Road, Nandhivaram, Guduvanchery, Chennai with the participation of many delegates from the South Asian region.
Memories of the first day at SRM Public School
The second Day (02.04.2023) of the Summit was held at the Crescent School, GST Road, Vandalur, in Chennai, India
Third-Day (03.04.2023) of the Summit was held at Greenfield International School, Chennai
Delegates participated in much sightseeing while they are participating in the summit
31st March 2023 getting ready for the summit
Backup Copies
Program Summary
Summit was held at the BMICH on 30th, 31st of January and 01st of February on 2023
with the collaboration of IAFQE “International Summit for Quality Education 2023” was held from 30th January to 01st of February in 2023 in Colombo, Sri Lanka. Prime Minister of Sri Lanka Hon. Dinesh Gunawardena, Minister of Education Hon. Dr. Susil Premjayantha, Minister of Mass Media, Transport and Highways Dr. Bandula Gunawardena, Prof. Ranjith Bandara, Member of Parliament participated with High Commissioners and many more Invitees and Special Foreign Delegates.
Photos will be updated soon
Getting awards from the delegates for their keynote Speeches
Special Discussion with Prime Minister of Sri Lanka Hon. Dinesh Gunawardena
1st Day of the Summit
01. IntroductionThe International Conference on Quality Early Childhood Care and Development 2023 (ICQECCD-2023) is organized by the SAIA4ECCD on June 21st, 22nd, and 23rd, 2023, in Bangalore, India. The conference will be focused on “Curriculum, Teaching Learning Methods, and Student Assessment Approaches Related to Early Childhood Care and Development”. In addition to that, the conference will focus even more on the capacity building of the ECCD teachers, the indoor and outdoor set-up of the ECCD centers, and teaching aids”. “Greening Education for ECCD” will also be discussed. Early childhood education should focus on the holistic development of children. It should be a joyful learning experience for the children, with love and care. Not only knowledge but also social and emotional skills, communication skills, cognitive skills, and fine and gross motor skills should be developed. Children should have good health and nutrition. Competencies should be developed considering the age and diversity of every child. Early childhood care and development should be a strong foundation for children. Facilitators should plan, implement, and assess their activities considering the diversity of the countries, cultures, and societies as well as the diversity of the children. The ultimate goal of SDG 4.2 is “By 2030, ensure that all girls and boys have access to quality early childhood development, care, and pre-primary education so that they are ready for primary education.” It is very essential to share the best practices of the ECCD teachers, educators, policymakers, and decision-makers to achieve the ultimate goal. Capacity building and networking are powerful tools to strengthen the ECCD sector globally. The International Conference on Quality Early Childhood Care and Development 2023 is the platform for all stakeholders to upgrade the quality of ECCD. The conference will be a platform for ECCD teachers’ capacity building and professional enhancement. The ECCD center owners and management will gain new strategies to overcome the volatility, uncertainty, complexity, and ambiguity (VUCA) situation. Kunwar’s Global School in Lucknow, India, is the hosting partner for the event. Keynote speakers will share their best practices, research findings, and new knowledge on themes related to “Quality Early Childhood Care and Development” at the conference. Practical sessions will be handled by the experts for capacity building. Participants will have the opportunity for interactive sessions with children and ECCD teachers. In addition to that, selected ECCD centers will be awarded based on their performance in 2022. The conference is an international benchmark for ECCD teachers, principals, and educators who are engaging in teacher training related to ECCD and primary education. In addition to that, ECCD teachers and principals will be empowered to transfer their ECCD centers to Greening Education. 02. Problem Statement
03. Vision:
04. Objectives:
05. To whom:
06. Benefits to the Participants:
07. Apply method:Individuals can apply as participants or keynote speakers under category I. ECCD centers can apply under category II. Awards, mementos, and certificates will be granted in two categories. Category: 01“Participants will get international certificates, mementos, and awards for their performance at the conference under the sections of
When individuals apply under category I, they can participate as participants or keynote speakers. Not only the speakers’ presentations, the conference consists of many forums, activities, model classrooms, discussions, role plays, and many more activities. Participants will get mementos and international certificates for their performances at the conference. The keynote speaker will be selected based on the applicant’s academic and professional qualifications. Keynote speakers will get 10 minutes for their keynote speeches or presentations, and they will get certificates, mementos, and awards for their performance. Category: 02The main objective of this category is to provide the opportunity to share the best practices of quality ECCD centers and honor them. Only the ECCD centers can apply under Category II. Special awards will be granted to the ECCD centers for their performance in the following sections: Section 01: Excellence in a Quality Indoor Learning Environment Section 02: Excellence in a Quality Outdoor Learning Environment Section 03: Excellence in Quality Teaching and Learning Aids Section 04: Excellence in Innovative Teaching Strategies Section 05: Excellence in Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Section 06: Excellence in Greening Education ECCD centers are evaluated in one section. One delegate can participate in the conference free of charge when ECCD centers apply under this category. When the ECCD Centers apply under this category, they should submit a PowerPoint slide show or mp4 file to saia4eccd@gmail.com on or before June 10, 2023, highlighting their performance under the applied section (for example, if one ECCD Center expects to apply under “Excellence in Quality Outdoor Learning Environment,” that ECCD Center should submit a PowerPoint slide show or mp4 file highlighting their ECCD Center’s outdoor learning environment”). Selection method for certificates, mementos, and awards under Category IIFirst Round. The organizing committee will evaluate all submitted PowerPoint slide shows and MP4 files and select suitable ECCD centers in the first round. They are eligible for certificates in the relevant section. Second Round Final Round Qualified ECCD Centers in the second round will get the opportunity to do a 9-minute keynote presentation to present the performance of their ECCD Centers under the relevant section. They will be qualified for the International Excellence Certificate, Medal, and 9-minute keynote presentation to present the performance of their ECCD Centers under the relevant section. They will be qualified for the International Excellence Certificate, Medal, mementos, and International Awards under the relevant section. WhatsApp or email for more details.
09. Program Schedule:
10. Program AgendaClick here to read program agenda 11. Themes for the Presentations:Themes to Improve the Quality of Early Childhood Care and Development to Achieve SDG 4.2 Quality ECCD”
02. E Visa 16.1 Fill Google form to get support to fill visa application17. Logistic Details
budget airline to come to Chennai, India is Indigo click here to check the prices of air tickets 17.1 AccommodationsAccommodation will be at SM Royal SuitesSM Royal Suites is an affluent hotel located at a mere distance from the Kempegowda International Airport Bengaluru, in Bangalore Airport Road, Yelahanka. #33, NH-7, Vidhyanaga Cross, https://www.smroyalsuites.com/ 18. Parallel events to the Summit:Live Zoom Interviews, Live Presentations, Pre-Recorded Video Presentations, Poster Presentations/TikTok, South Asian Education journals, and many more events have been organized as pre-preparations for the summit. Certificates will be granted to educators who show the best performance for live interviews and presentations on the virtual platform. Keynote speakers will be selected based on their performance in the interviews/Presentations. 19. Details of the prior activities of the summit
Presenters will be awarded International Awards |
South Asian International Association for Early Childhood Care and Development (SAIA4ECCD) |
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Kunwar’s Global School – Lucknow, India, |
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Kunwar’s Global School – Lucknow, India |
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EBAC Public School – Dhaka, Bangladesh |
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Modernage Public School and College – Abbottabad, Pakistan. |
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Galaxy Public School – Kathmandu, Nepal. |
Early Childhood – Thimphu, Bhutan. | |
Bhuddi School of Arts | |
An application is called for.
Applications are evaluated, and eligible applicants are selected.
Applicants are informed of their eligibility to participate in the events.
Facilities and guidance are provided to selected candidates to perform for applied events.
The International Conference and Awarding Ceremony will be held from April 1 to 3, 2023.
The End
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How I can participate for interactive sessions at the conference? Guidance to get ready
Folders to upload all documents for interactive sessions and presentations
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