First Week
Identify Elements
- Identify Activities for Theme
- Activities According to National Standards
- Selected Activities for the Week
- Teaching Methods for Activities
- Teaching Aids/Resources
- InteligenciesForcused
- Chat Show of Summery of MultipleInterligence
- STEAM Implement to the Activities
- SDG Integration
- 21 century Skills
- Greening Education
English Medium
Sinhala Medium
2nd Week
Identify Elements
- Identify Activities for Theme
- Activities According to National Standards
- Selected Activities for the Week
- Teaching Methods for Activities
- Teaching Aids/Resources
- InteligenciesForcused
- Chat Show of Summery of Multiple Intelligence
- STEAM Implement to the Activities
- SDG Integration
- 21st century Skills
- Greening Education
English Medium
- Day Plan for January, Second Week, Monday ,
- Day Plan for January, Second Week, Tuesday
- Day Plan for January, Second Week, Wednesday
- Day Plan for January, Second Week, Thursday
- Day Plan for January, Second Week, Friday
Sinhala Medium
- Day Plan for January, Second Week, Monday ,
- Day Plan for January, Second Week, Tuesday
- Day Plan for January, Second Week, Wednesday
- Day Plan for January, Second Week, Thursday
- Day Plan for January, Second Week, Friday
Tamil Medium
- Day Plan for January, Second Week, Monday ,
- Day Plan for January, Second Week, Tuesday
- Day Plan for January, Second Week, Wednesday
- Day Plan for January, Second Week, Thursday
- Day Plan for January, Second Week, Friday
3rd Week
Identify Elements
- Identify Activities for Theme
- Activities According to National Standards
- Selected Activities for the Week
- Teaching Methods for Activities
- Teaching Aids/Resources
- InteligenciesForcused
- Chat Show of Summery of Multiple Intelligence
- STEAM Implement to the Activities
- SDG Integration
- 21st century Skills
- Greening Education
4th Week
Identify Elements
- Identify Activities for Theme
- Activities According to National Standards
- Selected Activities for the Week
- Teaching Methods for Activities
- Teaching Aids/Resources
- InteligenciesForcused
- Chat Show of Summery of Multiple Intelligence
- STEAM Implement to the Activities
- SDG Integration
- 21st century Skills
- Greening Education